Shelley Dean, a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a high energy, fun loving, and devoted mother of 4 young children. Shelley has a vision to bring Joyful Judaism to Jewish people of all ages and at all levels of their Jewish involvement. In 1997, Shelley discovered the idea of joyful Judaism while participating in Livnot U’Lehibanot, a 3 month Israel program located in Tzfat. Once her “Pintele Yid” (Jewish Spark) was reignited, there was no stopping her Ruach (Spirit). She has taken her gift of ruach and brings it to every program she engages in. Shelley knows that it is Joyful Judaism, through music and other means, that will help Jewish Continuity. As a granddaughter of Holocaust Survivors, her greatest mission is to be part of the building back of the Jewish people. Shelley currently resides in St. Louis with her musical and loving husband, Jeff.